
Zadig 2.5.730 USB driver for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Zadig Abstract:

Zadig is a free and open-source device driver installation utility developed by the French software developer libwdi. It is a free and open source USB driver application that's efficient, light on system resources, straightforward, portable, minimalistic and user friendly.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Install generic USB drivers on computer in a quick, manner - Screenshot of Zadig
Install generic USB drivers on computer in a quick, manner.
Screenshot of Zadig - 1462px · 647px
Zadig: Portable tool - Screenshot of Zadig
Zadig: Portable tool.
Screenshot of Zadig - 1462px · 647px
Zadig: Simple interface - Screenshot of Zadig
Zadig: Simple interface.
Screenshot of Zadig - 1462px · 1435px
Install generic USB drivers - Screenshot of Zadig
Install generic USB drivers.
Screenshot of Zadig - 1462px · 1435px